The Wizards Workshop
There's a little magic in everyone.

Painting black.

Aug 20, 2015 7:52 PM by Discussion: Object Desktop


I'm running Start10 v.1.0 and on boot up, and sometimes randomly (or at least I haven't found the trigger)  and/or on first applying ShadowFX which I just installed I get a painting issue on the start menu. I have to go into Start10 Config and reapply another style to get it to paint the correct color.  Start10 and ShadowFX are the only SD apps installed.  Any suggestions? 




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Painting black.

Aug 20, 2015 7:52 PM by Discussion: Object Desktop


I'm running Start10 v.1.0 and on boot up, and sometimes randomly (or at least I haven't found the trigger)  and/or on first applying ShadowFX which I just installed I get a painting issue on the start menu. I have to go into Start10 Config and reapply another style to get it to paint the correct color.  Start10 and ShadowFX are the only SD apps installed.  Any suggestions? 




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Happy Holidays

Dec 3, 2014 3:05 PM by Discussion: Everything Else

While cruising through Ben's Bargains this morning, I ran across this, which while not the latest and greatest, it is a great (cheap) deal if you want or need such software.

 Site removed - ID

 It should be a great way to get your feet wet using Adobe Software without spending a fortune. Heck, who knows, maybe I'll make another wallpaper. [e digicons];)[/e]

 Note that it may be a huge download, it's taking me forever at 6Mbs.

22 Replies Reply 160 Referrals

Another visit from the Birthday Fairy.

Mar 15, 2013 3:21 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Join me in wishing a long time member and all around good guy a very Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day, Lavant! [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:pizza:[/e] [e digicons]:pizza:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e] [e digicons]:beer:[/e]

14 Replies Reply 18 Referrals

Has it been that long?

Jan 16, 2013 1:19 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

I want to take the opportunity to thank each and every Member, Admin, Moderator, Support guy, Developer and the Head Frog for making my time spent here worthwhile in many, many ways. Some of you have been here forever, others have come and gone. Each one of you make up the family atmosphere here and I hope WC always remains the "user friendly" site that it is. Over five million members says something must be being done right.

 When I stumbled in here, I didn't know squat about skinning....and not much more about modern computers....I still don't but I can fake it pretty good.  [e digicons];)[/e] What I do know is that a finer bunch of people doesn't exist on the planet. It's a pleasure being a contributing member here and an honor to consider many of you my friends. With it's odd blend of camaraderie, controversy, community, compassion and comedy*,  and some really great art and talent being shared with us all, WC is a unique place. (Some may say "odd") [e digicons]:rolleyes:[/e]

Thanks again for tolerating me and here's to the next five. [e digicons]:thumbsup:[/e]

And a special secret handshake to my good friend RedneckDude for putting up with me the most. [e digicons]O:)[/e]

* [spoiler]OK, so it's a slightly dysfunctional family.[/spoiler]

24 Replies Reply 29 Referrals

'Tis the season

Nov 24, 2012 3:54 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

The other day, my brother-in law was at the hospital waiting to get an x-ray. He happened to hear an old gentleman bemoaning the fact that he was cold and had no coat. My bro-in-law got up, went out to his truck and returned to the hospital with his coat, which he gave to the old guy, a complete stranger. I just wanted to pass this along.

God Bless those who think of others before themselves. [e digicons]:sun:[/e]


I learned to give not because I have much.....

but because I know how it feels to have nothing.

18 Replies Reply 19 Referrals

Easeus Partition Master Pro 9.1.1

Sep 14, 2012 3:25 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

Today on Giveaway of the day the deal is  Easeus Partition Master Pro 9.1.1

I've been using Partition Master Pro for several years. It's easy to use, reliable and today it is free. If you have need for such software, I highly recommend getting this. If you have a previous version as I do, it's a great time to update. As of this writing there are 15 hours left.

Have a great weekend. [e digicons]:sun:[/e]

3 Replies Reply 29 Referrals

Don't give up your gadgets!

Sep 4, 2012 6:07 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

First, a little history.

Since Vista, I've used  sidebar gadgets, and do the same with Windows7. I won't do without them anytime soon. What I missed, however was the actual sidebar to dock the gadgets on.

Enter a gadget that does just that, called 7 Sidebar.  I've used it since Win7 released and it does exactly what it is supposed to do, plus it is skinnable and can show open windows. No crapware, no issues, and gets updates. 100% free!

Now to the good part for you gadget users. The latest update linked me to an app  I'm sure all you gadget lovers will find use for in Windows 8.

They now make an app that will let you use your gadgets with Windows 8! (see external link)

Back up your gadget installers or files. You don't need to say good-bye to them just yet!

I can't personally try it as I'm not touching Win8, but I trust this software company. Try it out and see for yourself.

17 Replies Reply 60 Referrals's another Happy Birthday post for RedneckDude

Oct 16, 2011 2:01 PM by Discussion: Community


What can I say about Jim that hasn't been said already? Not much, if I don't want to be exiled. [e digicons]:X[/e]

He's one guy that didn't panic when the TP rolls got resized.


He decorates his yard for the neighborhood kids.


He eats right. Gotta watch that diet!


He's a smart shopper. He gets his computer parts from a huge supplier, at great prices.


But most of all, this year I can say:

Happy Birthday Master RedneckDude!





16 Replies Reply 17 Referrals

Answer below:

Apr 24, 2011 10:39 PM by Discussion: Community

 Hello everyone! First and foremost I would like to apologize for taking so long returning to post here at WC. It seems like I've been gone forever.   I miss all of my friends here and all the fun in the forums much more than I thought I would.   I plan on making a better effort to stay in touch, the local library has longer hours now so I can access it more often and my mother is back in Illinois from Florida so I can get online at her house, where I am posting from now.  Yay Mom![e digicons]:smitten:[/e]

Words cannot express my/our gratitude for all the cards, gifts, prayers and well wishes everyone sent to my wife and I over the Christmas Holidays. We had a much better holiday and New Year than we could have imagined. The cards we received really helped brighten up the ol' wobble-box (mobile home) since we had to burn the Christmas tree for heat.[e digicons]:S[/e]

Sadly, the job market is still in the toilet but prospects are getting better. Hiring is up in some sectors, mostly minimum wage, but at 55 years of age, a lot of employers say I'm over qualified and over experienced.(WTF?) In my defense, I am trying to forget things as fast as I can! I  keep plugging away but fuel prices aren't helping my cause much but persistence will pay off eventually.

To all you fine folks across all the Stardock sites I wish you peace, happiness and good health.

 That's all for now but you can't get rid of me easily...... I'll be back!!!


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